Blue Wild Indigo
Rancher Harry True has a hard choice to make. He can be an alibi witness for an innocent man falsely accused of a crime. Or, he can keep secret a damning truth about himself. How much is he willing to sacrifice for justice?

The story of one man’s reckoning with love and loss, friendship and betrayal, courage and cowardice as he helps a group of rebels prepare for the Zapatista uprising of 1994 in southern Mexico. The first war to be fought on both the battlefield and the World Wide Web is about to begin.

The Light Most Favorable – The American West. Still a place for a new beginning – if a man has the courage to take a stand.

Coming Soon
Travertine Rim – Lawyer Tom Qualen has had enough of the big city. He’s ready for the peace and quiet of the family ranch. Trouble is, he has a few enemies and they have something else in mind for him.